This tall and powerful young man wants him to stop breaking the’ rules’ easily. Li Yuanqing’s promise is still more important than money.

"Li Shuai, it’s reassuring to have your words. You don’t know. Brother, my hair is about to fall off these days. But Li Shuai, your main force can always reach Yongping …"
Said Liu Xingzuo carefully looked at Li Yuanqing.
At this time, Li Yuanqing was accompanied by less than 1,000 Qinbing. Although Liu Xingzuo was very confident in Li Yuanqing’s strength, he was still not practical without an army coming.
Li Yuanqing, of course, said with a smile, "Liu Shuai needs to worry too much, so it will take three to five days. The follow-up main force of Yuanqing can reach the seaside in six or seven days at the latest, and the main force of Chen Shuai will be all over."
"It will take so long …"
Liu Xingzuo is still a little uneasy.
Li Yuanqing laughed. "Liu Shuai and peace of mind Liu Shuai has a city outside the city and handed it over to Yuan Qing."
See there are less than one thousand QinBing in Li Yuanqing, but it is so heroic. Liu Xingzuo couldn’t help but be embarrassed for a moment. He picked up his glass and smiled. "I propose a toast to your brother from Li Shuai."
Sent Liu Xingzuo Li Yuanqing to outside the tent, slowly lit a cigar, and looked at the corners of the mouth of the vast west plain and couldn’t help but reveal a bitter sneer.
State affairs, this is really …
But freezing for three feet is far from a cold day.
How is it possible to clean up the virus and dirt of this old and seriously ill old man?
Fortunately, he Li Yuanqing is more patient when he has time.
The most important time to clean up some virus dirt is not far away.
The news that Li Yuanqing appeared in Yongping City soon spread like the wind on the west front.
Yuan Dushi couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard the news.
Even though he already knew that Li Yuanqing was coming with QinBing, the main force had not arrived yet, but the news was like a powerful tonic for others and the whole main force of Ning to detain ~ and brought up the morale of the army.
Although it’s a big hill here in Ning, people are very unhappy with Li Yuanqing, but ~ after all, everyone is a military man
In particular, these grass-roots officers and soldiers have a strong sense of admiration for Li Yuanqing’s fame.
At this time, even the world-famous and invincible Li Yuanqing and Changsheng Camp are coming soon. They are still empty.
Plus ~ With Wu Xiangfu’s ingenious plan, the morale of the main force of the whole army has risen
With such a double force, the morale of the main force of the whole army was brought up a lot.
Abatai and Tambai, even if you want to scold your mother for a while, there is no good way.
Time flies by
In the blink of an eye, it has come to the second day of February.
But ~ this is the day when the dragon looks up, but the capital has come to report urgently that the main force of 8 Jin J has approached the peripheral defense line of the capital after Huang Taiji was advancing.
This time, unlike last year, the main force of Jin Jun’s entry into this time ~ Huang Taiji’s side has exceeded 60,000 to 70,000 people, which is like a dark cloud.
Emperor Chongzhen ordered the heavenly soldiers and horses to go to Beijing to serve him.
The troops of all the ministries in Jiubian, including Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi and other surrounding areas, have been transferred to Beijing by the diligent king.
At this time, Yuan Dushi and Ningjun’s main force have been driving hard for a few days and have entered Baodi territory.
Of course, Abatai and Tambai’s two main forces still follow Yuan Dushi and Ning’s main force.
However, the surrounding areas have already been looted by their former companions, even if only the remaining people have already fled to the mountains, even if they call the "grain team" to travel for a hundred miles every day, it is a harvest star.
Fortunately, they have been led by Huang Taiji’s main force, and it is not really impulsive to fight with Ningjun’s main force.
Yuan Dushi’s tent in Ningjun main camp
Yuan DuShi little black face almost turned into an iron egg at this time.
In the evening today, Emperor Chongzhen sent a secret order to Yuan Dushi. Although the modal particles are still quite normal, Yuan Dushi has already felt that the sky has been extremely dissatisfied with him.
The generals of the big account naturally know that Yuan Dushi is in a bad mood, and no one dares to say more than a word.
For a long time, Yuan Dushi vomited an one mouthful polluted air and scanned the generals. "You all say, who has any good plans at this time?" Let our army get rid of such a passive situation? "
At this time, Mangui was in no hurry.
Li Yuanqing has got accurate information here, so he still needs a ball.
He and Li Yuanqing want Li Yuanqing’s main force to achieve merit ~ that’s not the mistresses?
Mangui also certainly knows what Yuan Dushi is not too … Not too heart …
Li Yuanqing side so quickly leave them NingShi but not much more …