He didn’t say much, and when he was allowed to come back, he nodded slightly. "After all this, Brother Dao has made great efforts, and he is very considerate."

I must say with a smile, "It’s a destiny to beg businessmen to cut down, so how can we violate it? Although we have mixed evidence, we also need to conform to heaven. Now that we have such an opportunity, why not take advantage of it to accumulate merits? "
Three saints Michael Qi, then see Jiang Ya commander-in-chief military forces.
Ginger tooth immediately entered the city and begged the king of Zhou for a will. At this time, Ji Chang was already seriously ill, so where could he be in charge at the moment! The great events in the DPRK are all attributed to Ji Fa, who did not seek the great cause, and did not follow the unification. Because of the uncertainty of the four parties, now Ji Gan has been a table minister, but the Boyi test is still on his own. He doesn’t want to take risks
After he heard Jiang Ya’s request to crusade against soup, he felt helpless for a moment that although he did not pass the military, his heart was also clear. At this time, it was not the best time to crusade against soup, but he had no good idea in reality. After all, he had to rely on Jiang Ya.
Jiang Ya got the will, and his heart exulted and immediately mobilized the military forces. However, when he saw people from all walks of life, the soldiers were dense and brave. For a while, the clouds and clouds were all scattered by these samurai, and a few days passed. Ji Fa went to the altar to pay homage, and Jiang Ya held a meeting with military forces from all walks of life to explain to the monks and the younger brothers that they could not follow.
When Jiang Ya unified the three armies, he immediately appealed to the command that the drums could not be heard, and those who could not afford to raise the flag were beheaded if they did not retreat; Calling names should not be ignored, and those who fail to meet the deadline will be beheaded; Be disciplined, raise more violations, and those who don’t sign will be beheaded; Complaining more, slandering the Lord, ignoring the restraint and laughing, flouting the prohibition, and beheading those who know the military door; The weapons, those who cut money and grain cut rumors and sophistry, those who confuse soldiers cut their tongues and teeth, and those who fight with each other cut them; Wherever you go, you bully the people, forcing you to join those who bully women; The army gathered together to discuss the accounts, and privately explored news, and those who were beheaded; Or smell the plan, smell the call, those who leak out will cut the plan, and they should not be tongue-tied. If they are afraid of the army, the criminals will cut out of the team and go to Wu. Those who don’t follow the ban after mixing the chaos will cut the wounded and cheat the sick, so the fake dead will cut the money and food, and those who are close to the private will cut the watch and watch the coach, and those who are not careful will cut it.
At that time, the number of cuts was parallel, and the morale was awe-inspiring. No one dared to disobey, and his eyes were full of surprise and horror. Although there were hundreds of mixed soldiers, he got such an order and saw that the people were full of coldness. At that time, no one dared to disobey.
When all the practitioners saw it, they all sighed in their hearts. So, it’s really worthy to be a deity for generations. But for a moment, they reprimanded those mixed soldiers for being so disciplined. If it takes some more time, these soldiers may not lose to those 50 thousand elite soldiers.
Now that Jiang Ya’s complaint has been ordered, he immediately ordered all kinds of military forces and horses, and spent dozens of days hoarding food and grass, accumulating strength, meeting four handsome men and generals, and going to war every day.
All the soldiers and horses talked all the way, and shouyangshan, the idiot Boyi and Shu Qi Shangsi persuaded the Western Zhou Dynasty to retreat, and they didn’t want to be ridiculed. They were resentful in their hearts, and there was nothing they could do. They had to hate and retreat, and they were ashamed to eat Zhouliangmo and starve to death in shouyangshan. This is another story, and it can’t be said.
It is said that the armies of the Western Zhou Dynasty were everywhere, which greatly shocked Wen Zhong at this time. After the First World War, monks with famous names and loyalties at various intersections were often killed by the Western Zhou Dynasty. At various intersections, urgent messages were sent, and snowflakes seemed to fly to Chaoge.
Zhong, You Hun, Fei Lian and E Lai, together with many loyal ministers in the DPRK, hurried to the hall, discussed for a long time, and urged Deng Jiugong, the guilty minister, to still make the generals.
Zhou Wang was unhappy when he heard the newspaper, and then he roared angrily, "Deng Jiugong has humiliated his teacher and humiliated his country. Although you sponsored him to make contributions to the song, why should he entrust such a big event to a defeated general?"
Hearing this, the ministers looked at each other for a moment, not knowing what to do. It was the first time they saw Zhou Wang’s expression, and they were caught off guard. Everyone didn’t know what to say about each other.
Zhou Wang reprimanded his ministers, but it was not enough. His eyes were full of annoyance. He snorted gently and said to all the ministers, "Why don’t you talk?" Are you dumb? What’s your concern for being so negligent about military aircraft? Do you want to build a soup foundation? "
See than dry said, slightly hesitant in the heart, at that time, I don’t know what to say hesitated for a moment, he just sighed, light tunnel "pursuit didn’t know, Deng Jiugong was defeated that day, it is not human can compete and view full chao wenwu, and one person can be stronger than Deng Jiugong, also please allow him to make contributions for sins".
Zhong, You Hun, Fei Lian, and E Lai should be the four officials of the Manchu Dynasty. They said, "Think twice, Deng Jiugong is the best candidate to break the enemy."
Zhou Wang, after listening, also lost his calculation, and snorted lightly. "Let it be, in that case, let him make contributions for sin, that is, if he loses again, he will be punished for both crimes and will never spare him."
All the ministers should be together, saying that Zhou Wang Saint immediately dispatched Deng Jiugong, making some 100,000 soldiers and horses, and stationed in the frontier from time to time. The two of them were facing the DPRK and had many contacts, and they became close friends with the four treacherous court officials.
Crossing the mountain and winking at the tooth, he reported that "it is good to know that although the north seems quiet at this time, it is difficult to know the state affairs. In this case, it takes a lot of effort. I hope that a brigade division will be stationed in the north to ensure peace in the north."
Tooth listened, eyes flashing with a smile, and then out of the class, "pursuit, the north soldier is the most fierce, however, I would like to go to help, and I will be able to protect the north." After that, he made a wink to the four treacherous court officials.
Zhong moved slightly in the heart, just calculating the meaning of the other party. He didn’t immediately do it here, especially Hun and Fei Lian and E Lai, but he couldn’t help it. He hurried to visit the generals and said, "Your Majesty, this is the safest way, but please ask your majesty."
Zhou Wang listened, smiled slightly, and nodded and said, "So, it’s perfect, so you two take thirty thousand troops and go to Bibian to guard against it. There must be no mistakes."
When all the ministers listened, Qi should be, like a thunder, the momentum of the Shang ministers resumed, and they were no longer depressed. As if they wanted to work hard, they could attack and retreat the enemy, but they didn’t blame them for having such an idea. At this time, the Shang army has not lost too much calculation and national strength, and there is still a fighting force.
The Shang king’s assignment was decided, and the ministers did not hesitate much, so they immediately prepared weapons and grain, and went to war separately.
Chapter sixty-six It’s difficult to settle the dispute and disturb the group. jiepai looks at all immortals
This time, the soldiers and horses from all walks of life in the Western Zhou Dynasty dispatched their own troops, which were so powerful that they arrived at the border for dozens of miles in a few days. The situation was so shocking that Puri told all about it.
Li Suiyun’s floating cloud island didn’t want to pay attention to such mundane things. On that day, he stirred up a big banquet in heaven and returned to the island to have a good rest, as if he were indifferent to heaven.
At this time, all his brothers will be sent out, accompanied by three maids, but his temper is also eccentric. The practitioners in the outer islands are not allowed to call, and they are not allowed to enter the main island of the floating cloud island for a while. The island is nothing but hundreds of small and little brothers, and there are no miraculous monks.
However, Li Suiyun is also happy to be clean, and his younger brother is always in awe of him. Unlike the second-generation brother, he has found out his sexuality, and his manners are always more playful and smiling, and it is always good to fool around with him on weekdays.
Although Li Suiyun is easygoing, he is also happy to mess around with the door. However, it is good to have some leisure time and enjoy a quiet life, just like being tired of eating big fish and big meat. It is always good to eat some green vegetables and carrots to adjust.
He was cooking a pot of good tea and wanted to enjoy it. Suddenly he saw da ji rushing in. When he saw Li Suiyun, he couldn’t help shouting "Fight, fight, they fight …"
Li Suiyun was pouring boiling tea into his mouth. When he heard this shout, he was frightened by it for a while. Although he was much more profound, it didn’t mean that his skin was thick, even if it was thick, it didn’t mean that his mouth was thick. He couldn’t help being so hot that he stuck out his tongue and gasped.
Da ji couldn’t help but stay for a while when she saw Li Suiyun’s appearance. She didn’t know what to say just like Li Suiyun’s appearance. It’s rare to see this scene for the first time since she came to the island, and she couldn’t help feeling a little overwhelmed.
Li Suiyun is in a hurry to produce an elixir, and eating it like jelly beans will probably be as extravagant as him. This is not an injury, so he is treated with elixir.
He glanced at the da ji quite annoyed, drink a way "your ya to panic what, what to fight? Maybe someone called the island? It’s really annoying to panic you into this appearance. "
Speaking of which, he bitterly shouted, "Say, who is fighting with who will actually scare you to such a step? If you are going out, others will return me to the floating island without a master to do the town, so I will be so rude and make people laugh at you for no reason."
Da ji glanced at Li Suiyun awkwardly, but she did something wrong, so she provoked such a big criticism and hesitated. She still whispered, "The Western Zhou Dynasty has crusaded against Shang Zhou, and the army of 150,000 marched day and night like ants, heading for the song."
Li Suiyun snorted, quite annoyed tunnel "this little thing? It’s such a trivial matter that you should be so nervous and run in like a wolf? Are you too talkative? "
Brother Tongtian is too strong-willed, so-called too rigid and easy to fold. Like him, he only wants to be fair in everything. If he can calculate Brother Yuan and them? "
Speaking of which, he shook his head slightly, obviously not satisfied with what Tongtian has done. It is no wonder that he has always been the kind of crafty generation, and naturally he doesn’t like this fair and square means.
Da ji hesitated, looked at Li Suiyun and whispered, "Teacher, what should we do now? Yuan Shibo and others have already done it. Do we have to wait like this? "
Li Suiyun smiled and said softly, "Is that my style? I won’t ask for anything more, but I don’t want to lose anything too much. I’m not a generous person or a noble person. I want to protect what I deserve. "
Speaking of which, he took a deep look at da ji again and whispered, "You let Kong Xuan and them prepare for the war. Since I let the fire burn, why not pour another spoonful of oil? Let them wait for my letter, and then attack Xiqiao and cut off their way home. "
Da ji was slightly taken aback, and her eyes were a little confused. Then she turned suddenly. She whispered, "Master, should I say it like this, but should I say it directly?"
Li Suiyun gently snorted, and his eyes were full of regrets. He nodded, "You just tell the truth. Pojun is proficient in the art of war. If you tell him so, he naturally knows what to do and will not go wrong."
Da ji listened, nodded slightly, and no longer said much. He turned and went to Li Suiyun to nod slightly. His eyes were already cold, war, let’s go early.